The State of Maryland Governor's Commission, Thurgood Marshall Memorial "Equal Justice Under Law” State House Grounds, Annapolis, Maryland. A heroic figure of the Supreme Court Justice on a pedestal and three life-size bronze figures seated on granite benches. In collaboration with James Urban, ASLA the sculptor designed the 50' x 60' plaza with the limestone colonnade. Dedicated 1996.
Thurgood Marshall Memorial1191,960Not For Sale -
Thurgood Marshall Memorial, Equal Justice Under Law.
Annapolis, Maryland
Commissioned by the State of Maryland, the memorial consists of a heroic scale figure of Justice Thurgood Marshall in bronze. He is accompanied by three life-size seated figures representing Brown v. the Board of Education of Topeka and Donald Gaines Murray v. the University of Maryland Law School. The artist designed the memorial plaza in collaboration with James Urban Landscape Architect. Site dimensions are 50 by 60 feet featuring a limestone collonade with entablature with carved inscription Equal Justice Under Law.
Thurgood Marshall Memorial1205,960Not For Sale -
966,960Not For Sale
These bronze life-size seated figures represent Thurgood Marshall's pursuit to overturn the separate but equal doctrine of Plessy v. Ferguson.
The two children represent all school age children affected by Brown v. the Board of Education. The seated figure of Donald Gaines Murray represents an earlier case to desegregate the University of Maryland Law School.
Thurgood Marshall seated figures933,960Not For Sale -
969,960Not For Sale
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